Head for the spice rack, rub some cloves on those gums for instant relief. Back in the old days moms would use cloves for babies during teething.
What about diaper rash?
Try rubbing on some coconut oil, the unrefined oil works best. You can try it on any rash, dry hands and chapped lips.
Do you need real energy?
Here’s one that is better than coffee, but you won’t have it in your kitchen. Drink some liquid chlorophyll, it tastes like grass. I mix two tablespoons with a cup of water before bed, and wake up feeling good. I need to feel good, I’m expecting my sixth baby in seven years. I can’t be content to feel like crud. Now it seems that this stuff gives fertility a boost, but that’s another story. You need to go to the health food store for a bottle of this stuff.
Are you anemic, weak or spacey?
Add two tablespoons of black strap molasses to your milk or water a couple times a day, and don’t forget to eat your leafy greens.
Bumps, sprains, aches, and bruises?
I wish you had some arnica handy, this stuff is amazing. With five small kids I use this stuff almost daily, if you get it on the owie quickly the bumps and bruises hardly ever show up. It comes in a tube at the health shop, if you’ve got little ones you will be thankful to have some of this. I also use it when I have soar and achy muscles.
Are you worn out? Do you want to feel better than you have in ten years?
I discovered another secret to vitality in the kitchen a couple weeks after my third baby was born, and within a week I felt like I was sixteen again. Let me tell you the story. My husband was having all kinds of weird symptoms, he had all kinds of tests and the doctors were clueless. The someone suggested it could be a food or chemical allergy.
So what did we do? We got rid of all the processed foods in the kitchen. No more artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. My rule was this: If I couldn’t pronounce any of the ingredients on the food’s label I wouldn’t buy it. No more bleached flour or white breads. No more white sugar. No more prepackaged meals. No more fast food. No more sugar drinks. The change was hard at first, but the rewards were great!
What did we eat? Lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains, hearty bread, brown rice, farm fresh dairy products, like raw milk and raw cheese that was chemical free. I found meat raised without hormones and antibiotics at a local Farm. I would use honey from a local bee keeper for sweetness, and we started shopping farmer’s markets. I even planted a veggie garden, raised my own lamb for meat, goats for milk and we kept laying hens for eggs. When we moved into town we had to depend on the local farmers for these things.
So my husband got better and I was ready for baby number four in no time at all. I even found out that a healthy homemade meal was cheaper and tasted better than a big bag of fast food… and natural food is way cheaper than the medical bills we were racking up for Josh’s symptoms. And guess what, all of my children love broccoli and asparagus! I thought I would try out natural foods to cure my husband, and the whole family began to thrive!
I hope that your kitchen becomes a place of health and healing too. Keep this information handy, because a trip to the kitchen sure beats a trip to the doctor’s office.
Head for the spice rack, rub some cloves on those gums for instant relief. Back in the old days moms would use cloves for babies during teething.
What about diaper rash?
Try rubbing on some coconut oil, the unrefined oil works best. You can try it on any rash, dry hands and chapped lips.
Do you need real energy?
Here’s one that is better than coffee, but you won’t have it in your kitchen. Drink some liquid chlorophyll, it tastes like grass. I mix two tablespoons with a cup of water before bed, and wake up feeling good. I need to feel good, I’m expecting my sixth baby in seven years. I can’t be content to feel like crud. Now it seems that this stuff gives fertility a boost, but that’s another story. You need to go to the health food store for a bottle of this stuff.
Are you anemic, weak or spacey?
Add two tablespoons of black strap molasses to your milk or water a couple times a day, and don’t forget to eat your leafy greens.
Bumps, sprains, aches, and bruises?
I wish you had some arnica handy, this stuff is amazing. With five small kids I use this stuff almost daily, if you get it on the owie quickly the bumps and bruises hardly ever show up. It comes in a tube at the health shop, if you’ve got little ones you will be thankful to have some of this. I also use it when I have soar and achy muscles.
Are you worn out? Do you want to feel better than you have in ten years?
I discovered another secret to vitality in the kitchen a couple weeks after my third baby was born, and within a week I felt like I was sixteen again. Let me tell you the story. My husband was having all kinds of weird symptoms, he had all kinds of tests and the doctors were clueless. The someone suggested it could be a food or chemical allergy.
So what did we do? We got rid of all the processed foods in the kitchen. No more artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. My rule was this: If I couldn’t pronounce any of the ingredients on the food’s label I wouldn’t buy it. No more bleached flour or white breads. No more white sugar. No more prepackaged meals. No more fast food. No more sugar drinks. The change was hard at first, but the rewards were great!
What did we eat? Lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains, hearty bread, brown rice, farm fresh dairy products, like raw milk and raw cheese that was chemical free. I found meat raised without hormones and antibiotics at a local Farm. I would use honey from a local bee keeper for sweetness, and we started shopping farmer’s markets. I even planted a veggie garden, raised my own lamb for meat, goats for milk and we kept laying hens for eggs. When we moved into town we had to depend on the local farmers for these things.
So my husband got better and I was ready for baby number four in no time at all. I even found out that a healthy homemade meal was cheaper and tasted better than a big bag of fast food… and natural food is way cheaper than the medical bills we were racking up for Josh’s symptoms. And guess what, all of my children love broccoli and asparagus! I thought I would try out natural foods to cure my husband, and the whole family began to thrive!
I hope that your kitchen becomes a place of health and healing too. Keep this information handy, because a trip to the kitchen sure beats a trip to the doctor’s office.