What's on Sarah Janisse Brown's Bookshelf?
Disclaimer: I don't agree with everything in every book, and the world view of many of the authors is different from mine. I have learned something wise and life changing from each author, and that is why I am sharing these books with you. I am sharing some books that I have published and all my favorites! Amazon Affiliate Links for your convenience.
Section 1 - Family & Homemaking
Parenting, Marriage
& the Home
Section 2 - Homeschooling Books for Parents
Inspiring books to glean from.
Section 3 - Leadership, Economics & Business
Books that we have used as resources in understanding business, economics and leadership.
Section 4 - The Faith & Stories of Inspiring People
I have learned so much from the lives of others, here are a few favorites!
Section 5 - Homeschooling Resouces My Children are Using
Preschool Books, Games & Toys my Children Love:
Favorite Books and Games for my Young & Struggling Readers:
Kids Choice! Top Fun-Schooling Books and Activities for My Advanced Elementary Readers
Fun-Schooling for Tweens - Books and Activities for My Middle Schoolers
Preparing Teens for Independence and Entrepreneurship
(My teens will be reading most of the books in Section 1, 2 & 3
Many of the younger kids are using the teens books with their homeschool journals.
(My teens will be reading most of the books in Section 1, 2 & 3
Many of the younger kids are using the teens books with their homeschool journals.